Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PNJ Investigates "Case of the Missing Tax Break"

In the past year, lawmakers (and voters) have ratified a couple of measures designed to reduce property taxes, by forcing local government tax rates downward and expanding homestead exemptions. So one would expect homeowner taxes to "drop like a rock" (to coin a phrase) in the wake of these changes, right?

Well, no. As the Pensacola News-Journal's Michael Stewart points out, for many homeowners part of the tax savings from the previously enacted tax cuts is getting eaten up by an arcane "recapture rule." In a nutshell, the recapture rule says that if a home's market value falls, its assessed value will still rise by up to 3 percent.

If this rule sounds screwy, it's not-- or, at least no screwier than the "Save our Homes" tax break that is entirely responsible for it.

Here's the problem: since 1995, Florida has had in place a cap on the amount by which a home's assessed value can grow each year. It's 3% or inflation, whichever is less. This cap is known popularly (and with a touch of drama) as "Save Our Homes."

Of course, when market values are growing and the assessed value is not allowed to grow along with it, the result is a gap between what a home is really worth and what the tax system says it's worth. This gap is an inequity-- it takes the tax system further away from being fair and measuring things properly. The recapture rule is designed to undo this inequity. Simple as that.

An example: suppose you bought your house in 1995 for $100,000. Between 1995 and 2006, your home value doubles to $200,000. A properly functioning tax system would take account of the fact that your home is worth a lot more. But Florida's tax system only allows your home's value to grow at 3 percent a year. At this rate, the assessed value of your home in 2006 would only have risen to $138,000.

So in this example, your home is worth $200,000 and the tax system is treating it as if it were worth $138,000-- the tax system is basically pretending one-third of the value of your home doesn't exist. And all you've done to "deserve" this tax break is to not sell your house. Doesn't matter if you're rich or poor. Doesn't matter who you are, just that you didn't sell your house.

If you treat this $62,000 as basically an unearned, incorrect tax giveaway, then a mechanism that reduces the size of that giveaway seems like a good idea.

And that's what the recapture does.

Palm Beach County Appraiser Gary Nikolits knows this perfectly well, which is why it's a laughably political move when he writes a letter to the governor expressing shock that this sort of thing could happen. As Stewart reports:
“Can you imagine the outcry when they open their (tax notices) in August to find that while their market value may have decreased, their taxable value increased?” Nikolits stated in the letter.
Nikolits (and other appraisers around the state) have plenty of reason to be politically nervous about the impact of the recapture rule, but that doesn't make this rule wrong.

Put another way, anyone who thinks the recapture rule is "unfair" has got it exactly backwards. The true "unfairness" is in the Save Our Homes break, which creates a huge gap between market value and assessed value. The recapture rule is a perfectly acceptable way of mitigating that unfairness.


LowerFloridaTaxes.com said...

To add insult to injury, increased millage rates are pushing up actual tax bills even though the assessed values are falling. The property owner without homestead is in an even more precarious position as they bore the full brunt of Florida's "runaway" real estate appreciation and will now be picking up healthy tax bills if they do not file speedy appeals. Companies such as ours, www.lowerfloridataxes.com can help, but time is running out.

Patrian said...

I think it misses the point that with the housing crisis many counties are suffering further from unpaid property taxes. One state, Texas in particular passed legislation last year to allow Property Tax Loans. This has helped many homeowners who are unable to refi, pay their property taxes quickly without the high fees and interest most counties charge. There is currently legislation on the sideline in 5-6 other states including Florida related to property tax loans. Either way, with the slow recovery, I expect to see property taxes remain the issue of several pieces of legislation as lawmaker try to find ways to ease taxpayer burden while also increasing county funds.

Patrian said...
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Property Tax Assessment said...

Save your homebreaks it increases the assessed value wen market growing ...it is very important .....gud blog!!!!